Doomsday Survival Rpg Shooter
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Doomsday Survival Rpg Shooter
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Doomsday Survival Rpg Shooter

Doomsday Survival Rpg Shooter is an intense 2D side-scrolling survival RPG shooting game where zombies have taken over the entire city. As the player, your main goal is to recruit the last survivors to join you in the fight against the zombie horde in order to survive. In this post-apocalyptic world, you will need to scavenge for weapons, ammo, food, and medicines to keep yourself and your teammates alive. Navigate through the desolate city, sending your teammates to different buildings to complete tasks and gather valuable resources. Time is of the essence, so be quick to leave the safety of your shelter and venture out into the dangerous streets to find everything you need to stay alive. With the odds stacked against you, can you survive this zombie-infested wasteland?